Doorstep Diaries
Dear Diary~ I love South Pas. I love the way things appear on my doorstep as if magic little fairies gift me whenever I'm not looking....

Save the Date: Art Journaling All Day
For years I've spent much of my time and energy hoarding art supplies and gathering people to play with them. It's always been a dream to...

We're all doing it. Looking back over the past year. Gratefully. Sadly. With frustrations. Or for some, with joy. A mixed bag. Like mine....

Kid Treasures
My kids are back. (Insert huge *sigh* of happy.) They’re wiggly. goofy. intense. needy. chatty. singy. full of life. And I treasure them....

Knocking My Socks Off
Knocking My Socks Off For years I’ve heard the adage ‘teachers learn from their students’, and I always thought, “What a nice thing to...

Christmas in October
Ever since I stopped acting 9 years ago, I have been working toward this: my own little studio. I have dreamt of teaching art journaling...

My Studio Mess is Legit!
(AKA: My Three Ways of Art Journaling) My studio table is a hot mess! It’s not just because I have a plethora of wacko supplies–obviously...

We Are Not Only Black and White
We are not only black and white. We are shades of gray, brown, red, pink, blue, yellow. We cover our soft underbellies with a hard shell,...

Art in the Park!
A day in the park with a few 10 year olds. Who knew it could make hearts so happy, so light! I set out the supplies, they came — with...