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Knocking My Socks Off

Knocking My Socks Off

For years I’ve heard the adage ‘teachers learn from their students’, and I always thought, “What a nice thing to say..” (insert eye roll)

Then I noticed: my teen/’tween art journaling class knocks my socks off every week! Sure, we’re all kinds of creative, working in our art journals, cutting, pasting, painting, writing. But there’s so much more than that going on.

We talk about our Roses and Thorns’ — the best and worst part of our day. They tell me how their tests went, how someone made them belly laugh; they share little secrets, what they dream of being when they grow up. They tell me long-winded stories that have no plot or ending, but just need to be heard.

They break my heart wide open with their creative, beauty-filled, vulnerable, adventurous selves.

And all the while, we make art, knocking my socks off.


It’s *FREE*!

Stop by and say “Hello!” this Saturday, May 6 at the *FREE* South Pasadena Eclectic Music Festival and Art Walk! I’ll be set up in Artisans Alley, selling my wares, enjoying a great afternoon and evening of music, art, and fun!

Details and directions here: Remember, it’s *FREE*!

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